Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First day of internship

today 10th May...y first day of internship in DIGI -- the place for me to spent most of my time for the coming 20 weeks...quite nervous in the morning while waiting...erm...i think shud be start from yesterday...haha...so many first time...first time driving in KL--a big city where cars are so fast for me...haha...

back to my internship...this morning really "gan jeong"..since this can be consider to be the first time to be call as '上班族‘ mixed feeling...happy n sad, nervous n not....dunno how to describe the feelings... i guess it can only be "weird"...

in the morning, reach a bit early...so waiting in the lobby...feel lonely a bit....coz use to be with so many people wherever v go....this morning alone there not tat good feel....but than was imagining the office...waiting to meet some nice people there... quite happy thing is everyone treat me quite good...quite helpful... went lunch with them...though can join them but still got weird feeling...use to be stick with many many people during lunch or dinner n now going to have lunch with bunch of people who i only noe them for the first day...dunno wat to talk to them some more.... really miss time in penang...where everyone can talk as they want n so free with each other...hope things will be better as time goes by...
today...they ask me read on the user manual....soo sleepy....i fishing the most in my lifetime...haha...never feel that i can fish till so geng before....proved everything...haha

                                   this is the photo taken from the lobby towards the cafe...nice rite...

p/s: yesterday nite first time driving in kl...excited n scary...haha...

Monday, May 3, 2010


我的roommate终于的走了... 原来我是真的那么不舍得她... 认识她两年了, "同居"了一年...差不多天天都粘在一起, 忽然间就好像很不自在, 少了一样东西...
我想明年一定会很怀念我们一起在房间废, 一起去冲凉讲话, 一起读书到很闷是做些无聊的事, 被他拿衣架赶我去冲凉, 还有很多很多一起做的事...
今天last paper 过后,感觉都不是开心放松, 而是很不舍得, 大学的两年里,每天都和大家一起赶 assignment, 一起讲废话, 一起去上课, 为了功课考试而熬夜...以msn 和 facebook 来看谁睡了,谁还再跟自己一样三更半夜还在做功课... 大家一起为同一件事努力奋斗... 每天虽然辛苦可是都过得很开心...坐在一起就有无数的废话讲....
即将要离开这里,与大家分开五个月...真的真的好不舍得... 虽然知道五个月后还是会回来的, 可是就不知道为何会这样的不舍得... 好像每天都和大家粘在一起...haiz....可是还是没办法啊... 大家都要去LI... 大家都要长大, 进入人生的另一个阶段... 不能一直停留在这个时期... 只能希望大家都要过得开开心心... 偶尔在msn或电话里聊聊天... 我想也就只能这样了吧 ...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

忽然间好想回家抱抱 mummy 还有跟爸爸聊天,跟姐姐讲话到天亮还有陪弟弟一起看戏哦....
最近一直忙着考试, 打回家的电话也少了很多... 只是每次打回家, mummy 都回叫我早点睡,不要熬夜,不要读书读得那么迟...
在熬多一个礼拜吧,再多一个礼拜就能见到他们了, 也可以每个礼拜都回家...想到就开心了...哈哈

琪, 要加油哦...努力的考好最后一张paper吧...ok?